LocateIt for iPhone & iPad


1. Introduction

2. View orientation

3. Main view

4. Settings view

5. Help view


1.     Introduction


LocateIt helps you to find your geographic position, altitude, speed, coordinates and distance travelled.


More exactly app shows and updates in real time:


1.    Your location on map.

2.    Address:

a.    Street.

b.    Sub-locality, postcode.

c.    Locality.

d.    Sub-administrative area.

e.    Administrative area.

f.     Country.

3.    Altitude (meters/feet above mean sea level).

4.    Coordinates (latitude and longitude).

5.    Course.

6.    Speed, average speed from reset.

7.    Distance from reset.

8.    Maps can be shown as:

a.    Standard.

b.    Satellite.

c.    Hybrid.


To copy to pasteboard (clipboard) information from map-view just "long-press" on it. You can copy:



        Speed and altitude,


“Long pressing” outside of information fields will copy to pasteboard (clipboard) information from all fields.


App is totally customizable – you can precisely configure what information is presented on screen.


App supports iCloud data synchronization – LocateIt settings on all iOS devices with same iCloud account will be synchronized.


App “Help-function” available in the app or on WWW contains detailed description of all functions and options.


In the app has been implemented total saving/restoration of state – it means that app might be interrupted at any time (by phone call, pressing one of device buttons, screen lock) and your data will not be lost. When app is activated next time all not saved data will be restored.


LocateIt utilizes new iOS7 feature: Background Fetch – app status is updated in the background.


App is optimized for iOS9, iOS8, iOS7, iOS6, iOS5.


Pictures in current documentation are taken mainly from iPhone 6 Plus, iOS8.x and iOS7.x version of LocateIt. On devices, which are running older versions of iOS (5.x and 6.x) some controls will look slightly different. Following table contains couple of examples of such differences.



iOS5.x, iOS6.x

iOS7, iOS8, iOS9







Info button





Segmented control






























Here you can see examples of differences in layouts of views on different iOS devices.


iPhone 4s


iPhone 5


iPhone 6


iPhone 6 Plus




IPad Pro


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2.     View orientation


All app views work in portrait and landscape orientation:






Portrait orientation






Landscape orientation


Just select orientation, which is most convenient for you. View orientation can be change at any time.


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3.     Main view


It is view you will usually see when you start the app.


View contains:

·         Map.

·         Address:

a.    Street.

b.    Sub-locality, postcode.

c.    Locality.

d.    Sub-administrative area.

e.    Administrative area.

f.     Country.

·         Altitude (meters/feet above mean sea level).

·         Coordinates (latitude and longitude).

·         Course.

·         Speed, average speed.

·         Distance from reset.

·         Segmented control for selection of map type. Maps can be shown as:

a.    Standard.

b.    Satellite.

c.    Hybrid.

·         Reset button.

·         Settings button.


When app was terminated in another view, next time you start app you will be directed to that view.



Here is detailed description of controls available from Clock view:





Current location on map.




Address of current location.




·         Altitude

·         Current speed [average speed – average speed from last reset].





Shows direction to true north. When top of map is oriented to true north compass is not shown.




Shows current latitude, longitude and course.


Course might have following values:

·         none” – you are stationary – not moving.

·         number from 0.00 to 359.99:

o   0.00 you are moving north.

o   45.00 you are moving north-east.

o   90.00 you are moving east.

o   135.00 you are moving south-east.

o   180.00 you are moving south.

o   225.00 you are moving south west.

o   270.00 you are moving west.

o   315.00 you are moving north-west.





·         Time.

·         Distance from last reset.


Swipe on map view



Changes part of map shown on screen.


Pinch (with two finger)



Zoom in map view and zoom out map view.


Rotate (with two finger)



Rotate map view.



Double tap on view


Zoom in map view.





Segmented control for selection of map type. Maps can be shown as:

·         Standard.

·         Satellite.

·         Hybrid.





Resets accumulated distance and time.


When tapped the following alert will be shown:



1)    To reset answer “Yes”.

2)    Otherwise answer “No”.





Activates Settings view – view used to change common app parameters and options.



"Long-press" on:



        Speed and altitude,




Corresponding information is copied to pasteboard (clipboard) and message box shows what was copied:





"Long-press" outside of information fields: Address,

Coordinates, Speed and altitude, Distance.



All information fields is copied to pasteboard (clipboard) and message box shows what was copied



When you later on paste information into another app it will look like:


Date/time: 11/22/15, 6:02:48 AM



95014 Cupertino

Santa Clara


United States, US



lat:   37.3323314

lon: -122.0312186

course: none


Altitude and Speed:

0.0 famsl

0.0 mph[65.2]



0:02:17 h

4.02 mile



When LocateIt is active (running in foreground or in background) and your device does not change location during 5 minutes the following alert will be shown:






Update of location is terminated and Auto-lock is turned on (activated) – all of it is done to save device battery.


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4.     Settings view




This view allows you to configure system parameters and settings. From this view you have also access to Help view.


On iPad Settings view looks like this:



Here is detailed description of controls available from Settings view:





Terminate view without saving of data.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing following alert:



User will have three possibilities:


1)    Save changes and exit, by choosing “Yes”.

2)    Discard changes and exit, by selecting “No”.

3)    Continue editing, by selecting “Cancel”.



Swipe to the right



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Show Help view.




Display “street” component of address.





Display “sub-locality” component of address.




Display “locality” component of address.







Display “sub-administrative area” component of address.




Display “administrative area” component of address.




Display “country” component of address.




Display current latitude, logitude.






Display current speed and average speed since last reset.




Display distance and time from last reset.






Display current course.





Display current altitude.          




Determines if “click” sound is used in app.




Activates/deactivates of synchronization of all app setting with iCloud.




Activates/deactivates “Auto lock” of your iOS device.


Use it with care – setting Auto-lock to off when iPhone/iPad is not connected to the charger will quickly discharge device battery.





Determines volume of sound effects of app.




Determines if location is updated in background – when app is not active and map is not shown. Use it with care – setting “Run in background” to on when iPhone/iPad is not connected to the charger will quickly discharge device battery.



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5.     Help view




This view shows user guide for app.

Controls available in this view:





Terminate view.


Swipe to the right



Same as Done-button.




Navigate to previous place in help.


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