TimeIt for iPhone & iPad


1. Introduction

2. View orientation

3. TimeIt theme

4. Main view

        4.1  Select property

        4.2  Background colors

        4.3  Clock face

        4.4  Clock numbers

        4.5  Hour hand

        4.6  Hour mark

        4.7  Minute hand

        4.8  Minute mark

        4.9  Seconds hand

        4.10 Color picker

        4.11 Font picker

 5. Events view

 6. Event details view

 7. Settings view

 8. Help view


1.     Introduction


Each of us has important events from which or to which we would like to count up/countdown the time:


·         Time to next Christmas Eve.

·         Time to summer vacation.

·         Days from first kiss.

·         Weeks from last cigarette.

·         Days from last drink.

·         Days, weeks from child was born.

·         Etc.


TimeIt is here to help you with it. Just create your event to which or from which you would like to countdown/count up the time – TimeIt will do calculation for you and show result in real time:


·         To change reported event just swipe on event description and choose event you like.

·         To choose how time is presented swipe on time show and select format you like – app supports many different formats: years, moths, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and some combinations of them.


TimeIt app contains also analog clock showing current time.


App is totally customizable - to change app look just tap on part you want to change and adjust settings. Changes are visualized immediately.


TimeIt is delivered with many predefined themes, which can be easy customized. New themes can be created by duplication of existing themes and customization of them. App contains also small set of predefined events such as New Year, Christmas Eve, Easter and Ramadan.


TimeIt supports iCloud data synchronization –events, themes and settings on all iOS devices with same iCloud account will be synchronized.


You can create infinitely many new events and themes, which will be automatically shared by all your iOS devices.


App “Help-function” available in the app or on WWW contains detailed description of all functions and options.


In the app has been implemented total saving/restoration of state – it means that app might be interrupted at any time (by phone call, pressing one of device buttons, screen lock) and your data will not be lost. When app is activated next time all not saved data will be restored.


TimeIt utilizes new iOS7 feature: Background Fetch – app status is updated in the background.


App is optimized for iOS7, iOS6, iOS5.


Pictures in current documentation are taken from iOS 7.x version of TimeIt. On devices, which are running older versions of iOS (5.x and 6.x) some controls will look slightly different. Following table contains couple of examples of such differences.



iOS5.x, iOS6.x







































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2.     View orientation


All app views work in portrait and landscape orientation:






Portrait orientation






Landscape orientation


Just select orientation, which is most convenient for you. View orientation can be change at any time.


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3.     TimeIt theme


TimeIt theme is collection of app settings, such as colors, sizes, etc.



Picture shows all TimeIt adjustable elements in different colors:





Clock face border




Clock face




App background




Events and Settings buttons




Clock numbers




Hour marks




Minute marks




Hour hand




Minute hand




Seconds hand




Event description




Remaining/Elapsed time


In more details theme contains following settings:


1)     Theme name.


2)     Predefined indicator – marks predefined themes - themes which were installed with app.

3)     Read-Only indicator - predefined themes are always read-only and cannot be changed to editable. Read-only indicator can be used for protecting of users themes from accidental changes.


4)     Clock face border color.

5)     Clock face color.

6)     Clock face radius factor – relation of clock face radius to clock radius.

7)     Clock face border width factor – relation of clock border width to clock radius.

8)     Show/hide seconds hand indicator – determines if senonds hand is visible.

9)     Number of Clock numbers.

10)  Number of Minute marks

11)  Number of Hour marks.


12)  Seconds hand length factor – relation of seconds hand length to clock radius.

13)  Seconds hand width factor – relation of seconds hand width to clock radius.

14)  Seconds hand axis radius factor – relation of seconds hand axis radius to clock radius.

15)  Seconds hand color.


16)  Minute hand length factor – relation of minute hand length to clock radius.

17)  Minute hand width factor – relation of minute hand width to clock radius.

18)  Minute hand axis radius factor – relation of minute hand axis radius to clock radius.

19)  Minute hand color.


20)  Hour hand length factor – relation of hour hand length to clock radius.

21)  Hour hand width factor – relation of hour hand width to clock radius.

22)  Hour hand axis radius factor – relation of hour hand axis radius to clock radius.

23)  Hour hand color.


24)  Hour mark height factor – relation of hour mark height to clock radius.

25)  Hour mark width factor – relation of hour mark width to clock radius.

26)  Hour mark color.

27)  Hour mark radius factor – relation of hour mark radius to clock radius. Here “hour marks radius” is distance from clock center to clock hour marks.

28)  Hour mark type.


29)  Minute mark height factor – relation of minute mark height to clock radius.

30)  Minute mark width factor – relation of minute mark width to clock radius.

31)  Minute mark color.

32)  Minute mark radius factor – relation of minute mark radius to clock radius. Here “minute marks radius” is distance from clock center to clock minute marks.

33)  Minute mark type.


34)  Clock numbers height factor – relation of numbers height to clock radius.

35)  Clock numbers color.

36)  Clock numbers radius factor – relation of clock numbers radius to clock radius. Here “clock numbers radius” is distance from clock center to clock numbers.

37)  Clock numbers font name.


38)  App background color.

39)  Events and Settings buttons color.

40)  Event description.

41)  Remaining/elapsed time.


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4.     Main view


It is view you will usually see when you start the app.


View contains:

·         Event description.

·         Remaining/elapsed time to/from event.

·         Analog clock, which you can customize.

·         Events and Settings-buttons.


When app was terminated in another view, next time you start app you will be directed to that view.



Here is detailed description of controls available from Clock view:



Swipe to the left on event description



Select next event (according to sort order defined in Events view).


Swipe to the right on event description



Select previous event (according to sort order defined in Events view).


Swipe to the left on remaining/elapsed time



Select next time display format. Here is the list of all time display formats:


1)        Years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds.

2)        Years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.

3)        Weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds.

4)        Days, hours, minutes, seconds.

5)        Days, hours.

6)        Days.

7)        Hours, minutes, seconds.

8)        Hours.

9)        Minutes, seconds.

10)     Minutes.

11)     Seconds.



Swipe to the right on remaining/elapsed time



Select previous time display format.


Double tap on view


Will start Select property view.


Selection picker will pop-up and you will have possibility to choose app element you want to change or inspect:





Swipe to the left on clock face



Switch to next app theme. Swiping efter last theme will switch to first theme.



Swipe to the right on clock face



Switch to previous app theme. Swiping before first theme will switch to last theme.


Tap on clock element



Activates one of property views dependent on what clock element was tapped:


1)    Background colors

2)    Clock face

3)    Clock numbers

4)    Hour hand

5)    Hour mark

6)    Minute hand

7)    Minute mark

8)    Seconds hand





Activates Events view – view used to maintain app events.





Activates Settings view – view used to change common app parameters and options.



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4.1    Select property




Sometimes tapping on clock element does not select exactly what you want. The reason might be too small distance between clock elements or clock elements overlap. In such case just double tap on screen - selection picker will pop-up and you will have possibility to choose clock element to change or inspect.


Controls in this view:





Terminate the view without selecting theme property.


Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.


Double tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Select property and switch to property view.


Double tapping on picker.



Same as Select-button.




Property picker - selects required theme property.


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4.2    Background colors




This view is used for adjusting of colors for app background, event description text color, elapsed/remaining time text color, Events-button and Settings-button colors.


View is activated by tapping on any place outside clock face or by using Select property view.


When activated buttons, event description and time text are moved to avoid covering it by the view.


Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the following alert:


Data has changed alert



User will have three possibilities:


1)    Save changes and exit, by choosing “Yes”.

2)    Discard changes and exit, by selecting “No”.

3)    Continue editing, by selecting “Cancel”.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for app background.





Tapping on it activates Color picker for Events and Settings buttons.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for event description text.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for elapsed/remaining time text.


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4.3    Clock face




This view is used for adjusting of properties of clock face.


View is activated by tapping on empty place on clock face or by using Select property view.



Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for Face border color.






Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Clock face border width factor.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for Clock face color.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Clock face radius factor.




Switch for hiding/showing of seconds hand – setts Show/hide seconds hand indicator.



Determines number of Clock numbers, when taped picker with possible numbers will pop-up:






Determines number of Minute marks, when taped picker with possible numbers will pop-up.





Determines number of Hour marks, when taped picker with possible numbers will pop-up.



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4.4    Clock numbers




This view is used for adjusting of properties of clock numbers.


View is activated by tapping on any clock number or by using Select property view.



Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Tapping on it activates Font picker for clock numbers.







Tapping on it activates Color picker for clock numbers.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Clock numbers height factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Clock numbers radius factor.



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4.5    Hour hand




This view is used for adjusting of properties of hour hand.


View is activated by tapping on hour hand or by using Select property view.



Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for hour hand.






Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Hour hand length factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Hour hand width factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Hour hand axis radius factor.



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4.6    Hour mark




This view is used for adjusting of properties of hour marks.


View is activated by tapping on any hour mark or by using Select property view.































Dependent on mark type, different sets of control will be shown.



Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Picker for selecting of mark type. There are 708 different mark types to choose:


·         Circles

·         Ellipses,

·         Squares

·         Rectangles

·         Stars

·         Graphical symbols

·         Apple Color Emoji





Tapping on it activates Color picker for hour mark.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Hour mark height factor.




Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Hour mark width factor.




Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Hour mark radius factor.




Slider and stepper used for adjusting of hour mark size factor – relation of hour mark size to clock radius. Slider and stepper are used when height and width of hour mark are scaled proportionally – “Size factor controls” are shown instead Height factor controls and Width factor controls.


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4.7    Minute hand




This view is used for adjusting of properties of minute hand.


View is activated by tapping on minute hand or by using Select property view.



Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for minute hand.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Minute hand length factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Minute hand width factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Minute hand axis radius factor.



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4.8    Minute mark




This view is used for adjusting of properties of minute marks.


View is activated by tapping on any minute mark or by using Select property view.































Dependent on mark type, different sets of control will be shown.




Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Picker for selecting of mark type. There are 708 different mark types to choose:


·         Circles

·         Ellipses,

·         Squares

·         Rectangles

·         Stars

·         Graphical symbols

·         Apple Color Emoji





Tapping on it activates Color picker for minute mark.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Minute mark height factor.




Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Minute mark width factor.




Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Minute mark radius factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of minute mark size factor – relation of minute mark size to clock radius. Slider and stepper are used when height and width of minute mark are scaled proportionally – “Size factor controls” are shown instead Height factor controls and Width factor controls.


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4.9    Seconds hand




This view is used for adjusting of properties of seconds hand.


View is activated by tapping on seconds hand or by using Select property view.



Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Tapping on it activates Color picker for seconds hand.






Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Seconds hand length factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Seconds hand width factor.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of Seconds hand axis radius factor.



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4.10Color picker



This view is used for adjusting of selected color.


View is activated by tapping on visualization of color you want to change or inspect.




Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Visualization of color.






Slider and stepper used for adjusting of red component of color.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of green component of color.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of blue component of color.





Slider and stepper used for adjusting of opacity value of color.



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4.11Font picker



This view is used for selecting of clock numbers font.


View is activated by tapping on font name in corresponding view.




Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the Data has changed alert.



Tapping on any place outside the view.



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Visualization of selected font and stepper for selecting of previous/next font.






Picker for selecting of font name.



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5.     Events view


Events view is used for maintenance of events. Here you can create, edit and delete events. View contains list of events and controls for editing and searching of them. Events might be sorted by name or by date/time.







Here is detailed description of controls and gestures available from Events view:





Terminate view without saving.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing the following alert:



User will have three possibilities:


1)    Save changes, and exit, by choosing “Yes”.

2)    Discard changes and exit, by selecting “No”.

3)    Continue editing, by selecting “Cancel”.
















Save data and terminate view.



Search bar – used for searching -”filtering” of events. When activated, view will show only events, with name/description containing text entered in search bar.


Events view will change to:









Search button – taping on it hides keyboard, Main view will show only items, which satisfies search condition, search text stays in search bar:







Activated search bar, here:




Searched text.



Button which clears search text.



Cancel button – terminates searching, search text is cleared, keyboard is hided.




Allows choose sort order of events: by name or by date/time.




Opens Event details view for editing or viewing of existing event records.




Starts Event details view – for creation of new events records.


Tap on event row


Selects/de-selects event. When there is no selected event main view will look as:




Double tap on event row


Opens Event details view for editing or viewing of existing event records – same as taping on Edit-button.



Swipe to the right



Same as “Done” button



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6.     ­­­Event details view



Event details view is used for creation of new and for editing of existing events.


In this view you can see and change all event components:


1)    Event name, description.

2)    Date.

3)    Time.


Just enter data and tap “Done” or “Save”.



To delete event tap on Delete-button.


Controls in this view:





Terminate view without saving changes. When changes were made user will be prompted for decision what to do, by following alert:


User will have three possibilities:


4)    Save changes, and exit, by choosing “Yes”.

5)    Discard changes and exit, by selecting “No”.

6)    Continue editing, by selecting “Cancel”.








Terminate view and save changes. When data is not consistent you will get one of following alerts:





There is already record with same name/description as current record.



You are trying to save record without name/description.




Delete event record.


The confirmation alert view is shown:


1)    To delete event answer “Yes”.

2)    To keep event answer “No”.






Swiping to the right



Same effect as taping “Done” button.



Swiping up



Move to previous record and show it in Event details view. It has same effect as:


o   Tapping “Done”

o   Selecting previous record

o   Tapping “Edit”


When there is no previous record, the following will be shown:




Swiping down



Move to next record and show it in Event details view. It has same effect as:


o   Tapping “Done”

o   Selecting next record

o   Tapping “Edit”


When there is no previous record, the following will be shown:




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7.     Settings view




This view allows you to configure system parameters and settings. From this view you have also access to Help view.


In this view you can select active app theme and adjust settings common for all themes.


Here you can also do some maintenance of themes – rename, delete and duplicate of themes.


On iPad Settings view looks like this:



Here is detailed description of controls available from Settings view:





Terminate view without saving of data.


When changes were made, user will be prompted for decision what to do by showing Data has changed alert.



Swipe to the right



Same as Done-button.




Save data and terminate view.




Show Help view.




Theme picker – used for selection of active app theme.





Read-only indicator for theme.




Button activates deletion of theme. To delete theme tap “Yes”:






Button activates renaming of theme. Enter new name and confirm it by tapping on “OK”:




Double tap on Theme picker



Same as Rename-button.




Button activates duplication of theme. Enter name for new copy and confirm it by tapping on “OK”:






Determines frequency of clock update. When frequency is 1 update/minute seconds hand is not shown. When you chose higher update frequency the seconds hand will move more smoothly.





Activates/deactivates clock “tick-tock” sound. When activated clock tick-tocks every second.





Activates/deactivates “Auto lock” of your iOS device.


Use it with care – setting Auto-lock to off when iPhone/iPad is not connected to the charger will quickly empty device battery.





Activates/deactivates of synchronization of all app setting with iCloud. When deactivated only theme data is synchronized.




Determines if “click” sound is used in app.




Determines volume of sound effects of app.


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8.     Help view




This view shows user guide for app.

Controls available in this view:





Terminate view.


Swipe to the right



Same as Done-button.




Navigate to previous place in help.


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